
This course offers a gentle introduction to the concepts and methodologies in Artificial Intelligence from both theoretical and practical perspectives. This includes designing intelligent agents through techniques such as state-space search methods, knowledge representation and inference, and Machine Learning. By the end of this course, students are expected to have the ability to develop intelligent solutions for semi-real world problems using the appropriate methods discussed in the course. Furthermore, they are expected to gain knowledge and experience in analyzing the inner workings of these methods and customizing them for specific problems.

Instruction Team
Contacting Instruction Team

Please contact the administrative team only using the course's official email address, sharifaicentral@gmail.com. Avoid sending an email or a message directly to any member of the instruction team. Ensure that you use a proper subject for your email and include your name and student ID. It is strongly encouraged to use the @Sharif webmail service to ensure easy identification by the instructional team. To ask questions about assignments and other course materials, please use Quera. Using Telegram and other messenger services is discouraged. Anything communicated in these messengers by any of the TAs will not be recognized as an official statement and will not be applicable to the grading process. Note that you can always have direct contact with the instructors via their email addresses.